Richmond Girls Service

If I had an opportunity I would just love to live in Richmond, and setting up a Richmond escorts agency would be a fantastic business opportunity. The problem is that my husband needs to be in central London because of his job. He has promised me that when he retires, we will consider moving to Richmond. No good to me, as I would like to be a Richmond escorts agency madam NOW!

There are a number of reasons I would like to set up an Richmond escorts agency like I really like the area. It has the feeling of country side about it, and is still close enough to London. You can just hop on the train and you are in central London for shopping really quickly.

Property prices are not that much cheaper than in central London but you still get better value for money. The properties tend to be a bit more spacious, and that is really important to me.

Reasons to start a Richmond escorts agency

If I was single now, I would certainly set up a Richmonds escorts agency. Richmond is a brilliant location for an escorts agency, and many of the Richmond escorts that currently work there do very well.


The airport of Heathrow is not very far away, and you can easily get to Heathrow from Richmond. That means that your agency could service the local area as well as Heathrow.

Heathrow is a very lucrative area, and you will find that many Hounslow girls work their at the moment. The place is just jammed packed with international business visitors who are willing to pay top dollar for exclusive escorts services. A Richmond escorts agency would do really well with the amount of business it could get from Heathrow, Of course, Heathrow is full of horny pilots as well and I know a couple of Richmond escorts who specialize in pilots.

Local Area

The local area is very wealthy, and you get a lot of Arabs living here. A lot of Arab men just love dating escorts, and it seems that their wives don’t mind too much. Perhaps it gives them an opportunity to stay home and look after the kids whilst their husbands go about their business. All in all, you will find that the vast majority of local residents are well of and have quite a lot of surplus to requirement income that I would just love to help them spend on my Richmond escorts.


London itself is not difficult to get to, and you could easily service outcalls from Richmond. I would recruit some escorts that already have string regular dates on an outcall basis in central London, and invite them to join my agency. That would kick everything of nicely, and I would find myself with a regular dating base quickly.

Oh yes, I have it all planned out. If only my husband would agree to move us all to Richmond I would be more than happy. If it doesn’t happen soon I am afraid someone else will spot the same opportunities that I have seen.