Many begins to date escorts from different areas of London – Surbiton escorts

The London Escort Guide recently had an email from a couple of gents from central London who used to date in central London. Now, they prefer to date Surbiton escorts. I must admit that we were all a bit surprised and decided to get in touch with gents. All three were keen to speak to us, and it was obvious that they were not too happy with central London escort services. All of them lived in central London, but dated escorts from Surbiton. There must be a good reason for that.
Peter says that he used to date in central London all of the time, but now only dates Surbiton escorts of The simple truth is that I can’t afford to date in central London any more. I used to love to date West London girls, but I can’t afford to anymore, says Peter, it is simply too expensive. At the moment in costs several hundred pounds to date in West London, and it is outside my budget. It is cheaper to ask a girl to pop over from Surbiton, so that is what I do instead. The girls are stunning and I get to have a lot more fun.
Roger also used to date in central London, but says he has given up as well. The Surbiton girls are just as sexy as the girls in central London. I actually think that the girls who work in places like Knightsbridge don’t like to date local gents, says Roger. The majority of the girls prefer to date chaps from abroad. Yes, I know they can charge them more, and that is why they date them. It is not nice, and I know only date Surbiton escorts. All of them are really nice girls, smiles Roger.
London escorts are going to be in for a shock one day, says Nick. They have very little sense of loyalty. Up until a few years ago, I dated the local girls all of the time, but now Surbiton escorts are the girls for me. It seems the girls are only interested in rich foreigners and the international businessmen who visit London. I suppose they have to work less hard, and can have more time off, but they seem to forget who started them off. Most of the local’s gents started by dating central girls, but now, it is almost like you have been let down, says Nick.
The truth is that Surbiton escorts seem to be going from strength to strength. The owners say that a lot of their new dates do come from places like Fulham and Knightsbridge, and most of them are gents who are local to the area. Central London’s extreme prices seem to have a lot to do with it. It is hard to believe, but it is cheaper to ask a sexy companion from Surbiton escorts to join you on a night out instead. Once you have paid the travel costs, the date still offers good value for money, says the gents who live in central London.