Is having a nap good for you?



I have started to wonder if a daily nap is good for you. My grandma is a great believer in naps and she is one of the healthiest people I know. She always has a nap after lunch and says that it makes her feel a lot of better. When I speak to her in the afternoon, she is always very sprightly and happy, and that can only be a good thing for some her age. Now I have started to date a man at Crystal Palace escorts who takes a nap every day. Looking at him, you would never have thought that he is actually 64 years old.


When I feel tired in the afternoon, I have this habit of eating chocolate. I know that it is not good for me. Yes, I do get what I call a quick power search, but then I get tired again. It is not easy to take a nap when you work for Crystal Palace escorts from, but I guess that I could do so on my days off. That could perhaps at least help me out a little. I am sure that most of us need a power boost.


I did not know that it is easier for you to digest your food if you have a nap in the afternoon. Most of the time, we just assume that the body does its job naturally and that we don’t need to help it. But it is not true, taking a short nap can help you to digest your food and absorb more of its nutrients. To be honest, all of the people that I know who take naps really do look younger and are slimmer. It could be the best beauty tip from Crystal Palace escorts so far. I do like to feel and look young.


Of course, it is important to watch what you eat before you have your power nap. You should perhaps stay away from food like steak and garlic butter. That is not the best thing for you to eat at all when you are going to have a nap. Try to eat something light like chicken. When you have steak, you are far more likely to sleep for longer and that does not really help you at all. It may mean that you will not sleep that well during the night.


The next time I have some time off from Crystal Palace escorts, I am going to try it out. If I feel better after a power nap, I will start to take regular naps on my days off from Crystal Palace escorts. Many people who work in the theatre take a nap during the afternoon. If they are on stage all night, they get really tired and a nap during the day helps them out. I am not saying that a nap is the fountain of youth, but I certainly think that it helps a lot. Now I just need to prove it and make sure that it does me good as well.