Dating London escorts


This was unheard of until a few years ago, but more and more London escorts from have set up their boudoirs in the area. This is mainly due to high rental and property costs in central London, however London escorts services have proved to be a hit with excitable locals.

Many local gents used to travel into London to enjoy the company of escorts before the first London escorts agency opened its doors. Traveling into London to date escorts is of course a very costly business, so there is little wonder that the locals are making the most of London escorts services. However, there are many other reasons local gents should consider using London escort services as well.


Apart from not having to travel into London, London girls offer better hourly rates than central London girls. If you date escorts on a regular basis, say weekly, you can quickly spend a lot of money on such services, some of the hourly rates in London are very high, and you can pay as much as £500 for a high class elite Mayfair courtesan.

Dating in London will cost a lot less than that, and you need to budget for about £100 – £150 per hours. There are escorts agencies in London that charge more, but if you book through independent escorts. You are much more likely to pay a more reasonable rate for the pleasure of a sexy companion for an hour or two.


The services offered by escorts in London are just as good as many of the services offered in central London. Some of the girls who now work in London, used to to work in central London and that certainly shows up in their service delivery. They are just as sexy and stunning as many of the girls found in places like Chelsea or West London.

The girls who have moved London their home got tired of paying high rental costs and property prices in central London, and decided to check out the suburbs. Jacqui, one former Mayfair escort, say that she loves working in London and that she has been able to gain back control of her life.

Jacqui says that the service she delivered in central London was beginning to feel a bit in-personal, and that she was always rushing from date to date. In the end she said, it felt like her life wasn’t her own any more and that her feet hardly touched the ground. In order to deliver a quality service, Jacqui says, that you need to be able to be happy in your own skin and feel relaxed when you are together with a date. Otherwise things just don’t work. You don’t get anything out of the date, and neither does the gentleman. It is always better to give quality rather than just hand out quantity.

So, next time you are in need of a bit of sexy companionship, do not hesitate to give London girls a call. I am sure that you will be able to enjoy your sexy companion just as much as you enjoyed your central London babe.